
Here you find some Albums of Why Not @baitoei pictures. We will continue to add also new pictures to these albums and also will create new ones.
So bookmark our website to check regularly.

Click on the Album thumbnail to navigate to the album.

We are Why Not

@baitoei & @roman are the Owners of Why Not.

We are Why Not (@baitoei & @roman)
We are Why Not (@baitoei & @roman)

Why Not Impressions

Here we show you some early pictures from the Why Not. Not everything perfect yet, but we are already proud of it ðŸ˜‰

"Why Not @baitoei" is the official and registered name of our bar
“Why Not @baitoei” is the official and registered name of our bar

Roman’s Last Day at Why Not

Today was Roman’s last day at Why Not. He travel back to Europe for some time.

Even the dogs feel comfortable at Why Not ;-)
Even the dogs feel comfortable at Why Not 😉

Roman’s Birthday Party

On Jan 21st, 2022 we celebrated Roman’s birthday and our 2nd day opening Why Not.

@roman has birthday today and gets a nice little cake

Best Of Why Not

Enjoy some selected “Best Of” moments at Why Not.

We have an alcohol license to sell you your favorite drinks ;-)
We have an alcohol license to sell you your favorite drinks 😉

How we build Why Not

We hope you enjoy seeing the build process of Why Not the same way as we did.

First day we looked for wood, we could use for the bar
First day we looked for wood, we could use for the bar

Kids love it at Why Not

We are a bar for the Kids too, especially during day time.

Please take my money ;-)
Please take my money 😉